
Research guidelines

If you wish to visit or use materials from the archives, please review the following guidelines and policies. Before scheduling a visit, you must submit an Archives Research Application form. If you are unable to do so online or prefer to submit a written application, please contact us at (847) 753-7431 or write to archives@uscsvd.org for a PDF of the application.

Our mailing address is Robert M. Myers Archives, Chicago Province, P.O. Box 6038, Techny, IL 60082-6038. Our fax number is (847) 753-7464.

Research Guidelines

Permission to conduct research in the archives must be obtained from the archivist. Permission to examine the records held in the archives will normally be granted to researchers for specific purposes upon application to the archives.

The Research Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. To make an appointment, contact the archivist at archives@uscsvd.org with dates and times that you would like to visit the archives. Please read the Plan a Visit page for additional information.

In order to safeguard the records, we request that you observe the following rules:

1.    No eating, drinking or smoking permitted in the research room.

2.    Use pencil when taking notes from records. Laptop computers may be used.

3.    The researcher will respect the fragile nature of the records. Care must be exercised not to exert any pressure on records, such as resting an arm on a document or by writing notes on paper placed on top of any record.

4.    Papers are generally in chronological or other established order. If each item in a folder is turned like a page, the existing order in the folder will be preserved. Please notify a staff member if any papers are apparently misfiled.

5.    The use of certain records is restricted by law, by reason of their origin or by donors. For the protection of its records, the archives also reserves the right to restrict the use of records, which are of exceptional value, fragile, or have not had archival processing.

6.    Original records may not be checked out of the archives.

7.    Staff members only may reproduce a reasonable amount of material for reference use when this can be done without injury to the records and when it does not violate copyright restrictions. For complete copy policy information please see the Copying Policy below.

8.    Supplying a copy of a document is not authorization to publish. Please see the Copying Policy below and the Permission to Publish form. The Permission to Publish form includes the Conditions of Use statement. The archives requires acknowledgement of the conditions of use. Do this by checking the "I Agree" box. The archivist will then determine whether or not permission will be granted.

Copying Policy

The archivist shall determine the means, quantity and method of reproduction of material from the archives. The archives may refuse reproduction of any of its materials if in its sole discretion refusal is in the best interests of the archives, its holdings or the Society of the Divine Word.

1.    Staff members may photocopy or scan a reasonable amount of material for reference use when it is possible to do this without injury to the records and when it does not violate copyright or other restrictions.

2.    For the protection of its records, the archives also reserves the right to restrict the reproduction of its records, which are of exceptional value, fragile, or not yet processed by archival methods.

3.    The cost of reproducing archival material is the sole responsibility of the researcher. The researcher will be charged for the cost of shipping, when it is necessary to send copied material. A current fee schedule is available by contacting the archives at archives@uscsvd.org.

4.    Anyone receiving copies is solely responsible for complying with the U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code including all amendments) as it applies to fair use of copies and reproductions of material held by the archives.

5.    Researchers quoting from these documents must give due reference to the source. The citation must read: Courtesy of the Chicago Province Archives, Society of the Divine Word

6.    In all instances, the person receiving copies and reproductions agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the archives, the Chicago Province or the Society of the Divine Word and its employees and agents harmless against any and all claims arising or resulting from the use of images, text or any other materials supplied.

7.    Photocopies may not be reduplicated or deposited elsewhere.

8.    Supplying a copy of a document is not authorization to publish. Please complete the Permission to Publish form. The Permission to Publish form includes the Conditions of Use statement. The archives requires acknowledgement of the conditions of use. Do this by checking the "I Agree" box. The archivist will then determine whether or not permission will be granted.
