Alumni Directory

For your convenience, we have posted the email addresses of alumni who have asked to do so. The alumni director will not automatically post email addresses on this website. Due to privacy reasons, an alumnus must ask for his email address to be posted.

If your name is included in this directory, please keep us posted on any changes to your e-mail address. Simply contact the Alumni Office by phone or email with your current address and alumni information.

A-C          D-G          H-L          M-N          O-R          S-T          U-Z


Alvarez, Victor (East Troy)

Alzo, Mike

Anderson, Father Stephen (Girard 1968-69/St. Mark’s 1970-71)

Aragon, Jason Neptuno (Epworth 1995)

Arnold, Thomas (East Troy 1980-84)

Aubry Jr., Harold A. (Perrysburg)

Badger, Tom (Bay St. Louis 1967/Epworth 1967-69)

Bagniewski, John (East Troy 1968/Epworth 1972)

Bakle, Vincent (Perrysburg 1957-61)

Barbarin, Lloyd (St. Augustine 1949-53)

Bartolotta, Father Vic (Girard 1965-67)

Bastiani, Carl (Girard 1946/Techny 1946-47/Epworth 1948/Techny 1948-54)

Beaubouef, Gary (Epworth 1979/Bay St. Louis 1980/ Chicago-Theologate 1980-82)

Becker, Alex (East Troy)

Belovarac, Allan (Girard 1965-67)

Bernard, Donald (Miramar 1964/Epworth 1964-67)

Bernardi, Tony (Bordentown)

Berry, Stephen (Epworth 1976)

Bettice, John (Perrysburg 1956-60/Miramar 1960-62)

Blachard, Charles (Perrysburg 1983/Epworth 1987)

Bonk, Julius (Bordentown 1975-77)

Bortel, Harry (East Troy 1968-71)

Brady, Paul (Girard 1965-69/Epworth 1969-71)

Brossett, Edward (Bay St. Louis 1965/Epworth 1969)

Brouillette, Paul (East Troy 1962/Miramar 1964/Conesus 1965/Epworth 1967/Techny 1969/CTU 1971)

Bruce, Paul (Bay St. Louis 1944-47/Techny 1947-49)

Bunning, Harry L. (East Troy 1953)

Bunty, Michael (Girard 1962-66)

Burrows, Bill (East Troy 1961/Miramar 1963/Conesus 1965/ Epworth 1966/ Techny 1969)

Canastra, Jay (Epworth 1995)

Cannatella, Christopher (Bordentown 1972-74/Riverside associate 1974-75/Epworth 1975-76)

Carlton, Norman (East Troy 1986)

Cavanaugh, Michael (Epworth 1978)

Ceisel, John (East Troy 1975-78/Epworth 1978-80)

Cerwonka, Father Clarence

Chidiac, Gerry (St. Mark’s 1980/Epworth1984/Bay St. Louis1988/Chicago-Theologate 1988-90)

Cisewski, Rev. John (East Troy 1961/Miramar 1963/Conesus 1965/Epworth 1966/Techny 1969)

Clark, Michael (Perrysburg 1974-76)

Clavin, Mike (Epworth 1979-80)

Conlin, Michael P. (Bordentown, 1962-63)

Costello, Pat (Girard 1955)

Courtney, Jim (Epworth 1981)

Cousins, Michael (Perrysburg 1965/Epworth 1969)

Cox, John (East Troy 1968-72)

Cross, Fred (Perrysburg 1964)


Danen, Paul (Epworth 1987)

Danenhower, John (Riverside-MaryGrove 1958-59/Bay St. Louis 1959)

Danielson, Tim (East Troy 1961-62)

Dargis, Duane (Epworth 1969)

Dauphin, Bruce (Epworth 1979-81)

Deardorff, Tom (Bay St. Louis 1979/Epworth 1979-81)

Dickerson, Gene (Epworth 1966-68)

Dinh, Long (Epworth 1995)

DiSalvatore, Pat (Girard 1962/Miramar 1964/Conesus 1965/Epworth 1966)

Donovan, Jim (Miramar 1949/Conesus/ 1951/Epworth 1953/Bay St. Louis 1956)

Donovan, Maurice (Miramar 1949/Conesus 1950)

Downing, James (Perrysburg 1959-1963)

Dudenhoefer, David (Elliott) (Epworth 1979)

Easter, Julian

Easter, Tony

Eckert, Bill (East Troy 1975-78)

Edmonds, Dave

Elwart, Steve (East Troy 1967-68)

Engemann, Robert (Perrysburg 1965/ Epworth 1965-66)

Fagan, Neil (Epworth 1973-77)

Falinski, Giles (Girard 1964-68)

Featherston, Joe (East Troy 1963/Miramar 1965/ Epworth 1965-67)

Flanagan, Joe (Girard 1949/Conesus 1951/Epworth 1953)

Fontaine, Dan (Epworth 1990)

Fox, Stanley (Miramar 1943/Techny 1951)

Frain, Jim (Girard 1947/Epworth 1949/Techny 1957)

Frankovsky, Joseph (Girard 1948-52/Conesus 1952-54)

Funk, James (teacher and guidance counselor, Perrysburg 1980-81)

Furtah, Fred (Perrysburg 1958-62)

Gagan, Jim (Girard 1966-69/St. Mark's 1970/Epworth 1970)

Gagné, Dale (Perrysburg 1958-60)

Gajewski, Ron (East Troy 1969-71)

Gleason, Kevin M. (Riverside 1971/Epworth 1976/Bay St. Louis 1977/Chicago-Theologate 1977)

Golden, Mike (Epworth 1976)

Golden, Steve

Golias, Martin

Gomolak, Tim (Epworth 1987)

Good, Bob

Gorecki, David (East Troy 1962)

Griffin, August C. Jr. (Bay St. Louis 1975/Epworth 1980)


Haab, John (East Troy 1961-65)

Hahner, Richard (East Troy 1962)

Hanlon, Mike (Bordentown 1983)

Hannahs, J. Gregory (East Troy 1954/Techny 1959)

Hannon, James R. (East Troy 1966/Techny 1967)

Happel, Christopher (Bordentown 1983/Epworth 1984)

Hardisty, John "Jack" (Riverside 1958-1962/Miramar 1962-1964)

Hargadon, Paul

Hefter, George (East Troy 1963)

Heilman, Greg (Perrysburg 1965-68)

Heinen, John (East Troy 1959-62/Miramar 1962-64)

Heinzen, DeWayne "Buzz" (Girard 1962/Miramar 1964/Conesus 1965)

Hertzock II, Alvarez J.

Hoang, Doai L. (East Troy)

Hogan, August "Buddy" (Bay St. Louis 1960/Miramar 1960-61)

Hoffman, Mark (Perrysburg 1971/Epworth 1975)

Hoffman, Thomas (Techny 1961-65)

Horan, Michael (Duxbury 1964/Conesus 1964-65)

Horn, Jim (East Troy 1968-71)

Howard, Reggie (East Troy 1979)

Hurley, Dennis (East Troy 1960-64/Epworth 1964-68)

Insprucker, Tom (Perrysburg 1976/Epworth 1976-77)

Jackson, Abe

Jerris, Thomas (East Troy 1984-86)

Jeschke, Richard (East Troy 1965/Epworth 1969/Bay St. Louis 1970/Villa St. Thomas 1973)

Jones, Lawrence (Girard 1959-63/Miramar 1963-65/Epworth 1965-66)

Julien, Percy

Keck, Jim (Bordentown 1953-54/Conesus 1954-58/ Techny 1958-60/St. Augustin, Germany 1960-64)

Koller, Emerich (Sankt Rupert 1960/Miramar 1962/Conesus 1965/Girard 1966)

Kramb, Mike (Perrysburg 1969)

Kreuzer, Michael (Epworth 1971-72)

Kutsick, Alexander (Perrysburg 1965/Epworth 1969)

Kutylo, Paul (Perrysburg 1959-63/Miramar 1963-65/Bay St. Louis 1965-66/Techny 1966-67/Washington Theological Union 1968-69/CTU 1969-70)

Laake, Hank (Techny 1966-67)

Ladouceur, Bill (Perrysburg 1966)

Lafferty, Gene (Bordentown 1981/Epworth)

Laka, Greg (East Troy)

Lamb, Colin (East Troy 1983/Epworth 1983-1984)

Lamb, Ralph

Landen, John, Jr. (Perrysburg 1961-65/Epworth 1966-67)

Landen, Richard (Perrysburg 1964-69)

LaRosa, Dominic (East Troy 1984)

Lauer, Rich

Le, Huan (East Troy 1989-91)

Le, Loc (East Troy 1990-91)

Leddy, Patrick (East Troy 1965/Epworth 1967)

Ledger, Ann (teacher, East Troy)

Leipzig, Mark (East Troy 1984)

Luksich, Michael (Epworth 1971-73 and 1974-75/Bay St. Louis 1973-74)

Luster, Denny (Epworth 1977-79)


Macari, John (Epworth 1981-83)

Mallett, Maurice (East Troy 1991/Tolton House)

Martin, Fulton (East Troy 1965/Epworth 1965-67)

Martinez, Frank (Epworth 1982-83)

Mauss, Bill (Epworth 1975)

McDonnell, Stephen (Bordentown 1975)

McPartland, James (Conesus 1956-60)

Menard, Wally (East Troy 1963/Miramar 1964-65/ Epworth 1966)

Menheer, David (East Troy 1984/Epworth 1984-86)

Menheer, Michael (East Troy 1987)

McDonough, Terry (Miramar 1948-52/Conesus 1952-54/Epworth 1954-55/Gogebic 1955-56/Techny 1956-62)

McMahon, Pat (Girard 1966-68)

Mier, Leonard (Perrysburg 1980)

Mikovits, Joseph (Girard 1950, Conesus, Epworth, Techny 1958)

Moening, Ed (Perrysburg 1973-77/Epworth 1977-81)

Morton, Sam (Bordentown 1967)

Murphy, Patrick J. (Girard 1963)

Murtha, Fr. Mike "Ed" (Bordentown (Marist Contingent) 1977-78)

Neilson, Douglas (Bordentown 1976/Epworth 1976-77)

Nemer, SVD, Larry (East Troy 1950/Techny 1952 and 1960/Epworth 1952-54)

Nguyen, Binh (Epworth 1983-86)

Nguyen, Chinh Minh (East Troy 1984-88)

Nguyen, Cuong (East Troy)

Nguyen, Danh (East Troy 1985)

Nguyen, Hoang "Guitarly" (East Troy 1988)

Nguyen, Long T. (East Troy 1987/Epworth 1992/ Wendelin House 1996)

Nguyen, Paul Dinh (East Troy 1985/Epworth 1989)

Nguyen, Tai (East Troy 1992/Epworth 1994/Wendelin House 1995)

Nguyen, Truong (East Troy 1990-91)

Noonan, Joe

Norris, Tom (Epworth 1977-78)

Novitt, Chester (Epworth)

Novozinsky, Bruce (Bordentown 1976-78)


O’Connor, Daniel (Girard 1968-69/St. Mark’s 1970)

Ott, Joseph (Perrysburg 1967/Epworth 1967-68)

Ozene, Deacon Anthony "Tony" (Bay St. Louis 1958-60)

Page, Jim (Girard 1962)

Panek, John (East Troy 1983)

Pappas, Bill (Girard 1962)

Pardy, Steve (Techny 1956-68)

Parenti, Father Tom

Parker, Dave (Girard 1959-60)

Pasini, Andrew (Epworth 1991)

Pasto, Steve (Girard 1969, St.Mark’s 1972, Epworth 1976, Bay St. Louis 1977)

Peklo, Father Ed

Pelletier, Michel (Granby 1971/Perrysburg Camp Staff 1971)

Perdomo, Jose (St. Augustine)

Perez, Frank

Perez, Henry (East Troy 1980)

Perez, Michael (Bordentown 1963-66/Epworth 1966-67)

Peters, Patrick (Bordentown 1967-70)

Peterson, Edward (East Troy 1965)

Pham, Hiep (East Troy 1984-86)

Pilewskie, Mark (Girard 1966-69/St. Mark’s 1970/Epworth 1970)

Pinson, Henry (Miramar)

Powell, Allen "AJ" (Bay St. Louis 1970/Epworth 1974)

Prombo, Jim (East Troy)

Purcell, Bill (Bordentown 1973/Epworth 1978/OTP-- pre-novitiate at Xavier House in Japan)

Reiter, Mark (East Troy 1974-76)

Rethage, Wilbert

Riddle, Robert (East Troy 1960-65)

Ries, Brian (East Troy 1981)

Ries, Larry (East Troy 1957/Techny 1958/Conesus 1961)

Roberts, Wendell (East Troy 1980/Epworth 1985)

Robinson, Gregg (East Troy 1977/Epworth 1977-78)

Roche, Art (Perrysburg 1962-66/Epworth 1966-70)

Roland, Charles W. (Bordentown 1957, Miramar 1958-59, Conesus 1960-63, Bay St. Louis 1964-65)

Rossiter, Bill (Girard 1956/Conesus 1960/Techny 1962)

Rozak, Anthony (Conesus 1953-65)

Ruegg, Mike (Girard 1963-67)

Russell, Carl (East Troy 1985/Epworth 1985-86)


Savino, Michael (Bordentown 1975)

Schaaf, Dick (Girard 1963-65/Riverside 1965-67/Epworth 1967-68)

Schacke, John

Schmidt, John (East Troy 1983)

Schmidt, Father Paul SVD

Schroeder, Nick (Perrysburg 1961-65/Epworth 1965-67)

Schumacher, Steve (Perrysburg 1966/Epworth 1967)

Schutzman, James (East Troy 1956-60/Miramar 1960-62)

Schwieterman, Dan (Perrysburg 1960-64/Epworth 1964-68/CTU 1973)

Seewald SVD, Father Carl

Seisser, Mike (East Troy 1981-84)

Sentner, Frank (Bordentown 1964-68)

Serafino, Phil (Bordentown 1955/Conesus 1959/Techny 1961)

Settecase, Philip (Perrysburg 1962-66/Epworth 1966-67)

Shuster, Father John (Girard 1969/Epworth 1973/ Bay St. Louis 1974/Chicago-Theologate 1980)

Sikorski, John (Bordentown 1975)

Sinatra, Charlie (Girard 1957/Conesus 1961/Techny 1967)

Singleton, Roy (Techny 1955-58)

Sinnwell, David

Slawinski, Bill (Perrysburg 1969-70, 1972-73)

Smyczek, Thaddeus (East Troy 1959, Miramar 1961)

Spadacene, Edward (Girard 1975/Epworth 1979)

Stachler, Luke (Perrysburg 1963-68)

Steilen, James (Techny 1958-62/Novitiate 1962-63)

Sullivan, Jim (East Troy 1958)

Tao An (Joe Tao) (Bay St. Louis 1976-79/Epworth 1976-81)

Terrebonne, Steve (Bay St. Louis 1978)

Terry, Timothy (Bordentown 1968-72/Epworth 1972-74)

Theis, Dave (East Troy 1950-54/Conesus 1956-58/Perrysburg 1960-61/Techny 1954-56, 1958-60, 1961-65)

Titus, Mark (Girard (St. Mark’s) 1975/Epworth 1980)

Tran, Khanh (East Troy)

Troy, Steve (Riverside 1965-66/Epworth 1967)

Trudeau, Steve (Riverside 1973/Epworth 1977)


Ueberroth, Pete (Perrysburg 1960-64)

Uhal, Lenny (East Troy 1983/Epworth 1987)

Urbik, Jerry (1947)

Velon, Jim (Conesus 1961)

Vereb, Michael (Girard 1961-65/Epworth 1966)

Vogt, Tom (East Troy 1946-51/Techny 1951-53/Epworth 1954)

Wadeson, John

Walsh, Jack (Girard1955/Conesus 1957/Techny 1962)

Walsh, Michael (East Troy 1959-62/Miramar 1962-64/Conesus 1964-65/Epworth 1965-66)

Warmouth, Bill (East Troy 1964/Epworth 1966)

Wenrick, Patrick (Girard-St. Mark’s 1971/Epworth 1975/Bay St. Louis 1976, Chicago-Theologate 1982)

Wessa, Mike (East Troy 1966-69/Epworth 1969-73/Bay St. Louis 1976-77)

West, Sam (Perrysburg 1965)

Westhoven, Tony (Perrysburg 1957-61/Miramar 1961-62)

Weyers, Tim (Miramar 1965-66)

Williams, Daniel (Epworth 1975-79)

Williams, Dennis (Conesus/Techny/Epworth 1969-71)

Williams, Thomas (Girard 1960-61)

Wimett, Rev. Leo (Girard 1947-51/Conesus 1951-53/Epworth 1953-55)

Winter, Robert G. (Girard 1959-62)

Wischmeyer, Alan (Perrysburg 1975-79/Epworth 1979-83/Nanzan 1981-82)

Wisler, Don (Perrysburg 1964-68)

Witte, Michael (East Troy 1977-80/Epworth 1980-81)

Wood, David (East Troy 1966-68)

Young, Joe (Bordentown 1981/Epworth 1985)

Zaleski, Ed (Girard 1944-48/Techny 1948-50)

Zlabek, John

Zook, David (Girard 1966-67/Bordentown 1970)

Zwyer, Dave (Perrysburg 1965/Epworth 1968)
